Nature. Be in it. is an advocate for child-led, play based learning outside. We expertly facilitate nature pedagogy linked to the Australian Curriculum/EYLF where all can thrive. We design and deliver world class programs for all education settings, kids and grown ups. We open minds and hearts.
So, whether it be a nature therapy walk for yourself or taking classes outside to learn. Take a leap, hold on and get ready for the joy and exhilaration of a new adventure. Join us as we cross the threshold into a world of wonder waiting right at your doorstep.

For the Kids
For Teachers, Schools & Daycare Centres
For the Kids.
School Holiday Program
Give your kids the experience of “the best day ever!” (so they tell us) as they grow in the great outdoors.
For ages 5-11
For teachers, schools & daycare centres.
Outdoor Mentoring Program
Embed nature play as part of your school practice with weekly/fortnightly mentoring.
Duration: 1 term or full year
Whole of Organisation Training
Train your entire staff in best practice outdoor learning pedagogy.
Duration: 4 hours theory & practical
Nature School Quick Start
Get started with a nature program at your site. Introductory session and site audit.
Duration: 2-4 hours
The Ultimate Outdoor Classroom
Keep up to date on the latest nature play research. Includes theory and practical application.
Duration: 2 day practical
Pop-up Nature Play
We can tailor our nature based play programs to your curriculum. Come to us or we can bring it to you.
Duration: 1 x full day excursion or incursion
For the grown ups.
Nature Therapy
The Japanese call it Shinrin-yoku. We call it Forest Bathing. Book a session and give yourself the gift of peace in a way you’ve never experienced before.
Duration: 2 hours

“I am really pleased with how the Prep and Kinder teachers in particular have taken this on board. They have planned lots of bush school experiences and have incorporated this into their regular planning each week. These classes were our focus years for 2021. Thank you for setting them up for success with the rollout.”